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Friday, May 27, 2005


I think new PowerBooks & iBooks are coming

This is pure speculation. I have no secret sources. I'm just guessing based on what Apple has & hasn't done in the past few months. I think Apple is going to completely revamp their laptop product line in the next few weeks. Here's how I came to that conclusion:

The iMac G5, Power Mac G5, and even the lowly eMac were all recently updated to include 8.5 GB dual layer DVD burners.

Not even the fanciest PowerBook G4 has a dual layer DVD burner.

The last time the PowerBook G4 had an update that wasn't just a speed bump was September 2003.

The last time the iBook G4 was updated at all was October 2004. It's overdue. It usually gets updated every 6 months.

Apple pretty much can't update the iBook without updating the PowerBooks too because they're already very close in speed & features.

The rumor sites are eerily quiet. When the Mac mini was released in January the rumor sites knew all about it in December, much to the annoyance of Apple who probably managed to stop the leaks. Remember, no one saw the original iMac coming. That was a total surprise. Would new PowerBooks be PowerBook G5s? Maybe, or maybe a dual core G4. Steve Jobs June 6th keynote at Apple's developer conference could see a rabbit pulled out of Apple's hat. I hope so.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005


All saved up & nothing to buy

After a couple years of $10 here, $50 there, I finally have enough money saved up for a new iBook. Lately, Apple has updated everything in its product line except for the iBook. The last iBook update was October 2004. I'm pretty much ready to buy, but I don't want the current model.

Recently, Apple released Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger. The current iBook doesn't support all of Tiger's features, most notably Core Image. Why on earth would I buy a computer that doesn't support all the features of the OS? C'mon Apple. Update the iBook.

(Hmm... This one really was a rant.)

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