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Monday, December 18, 2006


There's still football being played?

The Vikings have been so bad this year that I just haven't paid attention (been too busy to pay attention or blog too), which is a sad thing because this is the first season I've had my HDTV. Football looks pretty good in high def. I see new coach Brad Childress on the TV news. As the season has gone on, he's looked increasingly exasperated at the post game press conferences. Today the look on his face seemed to be one of a defeated man. Someone who maybe even looked like he was in over his head. Vikings management has done more to create fan apathy in the past 11 months than any time I can remember.

Maybe everything will be ok. Maybe this is just the year of tearing it all down before building it back up. Who knows? I'm certainly no football expert. I guess only time will tell.

Anyways, what does it really matter? In the big picture, who cares about the Vikings? There's certainly bigger fish to fry - in the world and at home.

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