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Tuesday, March 27, 2007


Something's Gotta Give

I've meant to write something in here once a month, like the help column I started on last summer. Right now I just have too much going on, especially in the next two weeks. Katie was sick, we're painting half the inside of house, I have to trim our 8' lilacs, I still need to finish the taxes, I have to renew my Apple certifications, I need to start writing my AirPort Extreme (802.11n) review, I'm dealing with my mother's jewelry auctions, we have annual reviews at work, I have to take Benny to the vet today, Katie goes to the dentist tomorrow, I go to the doctor on Friday, I get the van's oil changed Monday morning, we have to decide what to do for Katie's day care over the summer, the phone line has been wonky (internet speed in the dumper) ever since we got a couple feet of snow... I'm sure I'm forgetting something.

Fortunately there is no Planning Commission meeting next week. That was on one of the painting nights.

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