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Thursday, November 17, 2005


Time flies...

Thanksgiving is next week? For the first time ever, we have barely begun our holiday shopping yet. Busy with Katie at preschool and at home. Busy with Benny training. Busy helping my mom out. Busy with everyday chores. Busy busy busy.

Halloween is unusual at our house. Katie wants to get into her costume, then she doesn't, then she does. And god forbid we actually go trick or treating! It's funny. I know it sounds like I'm bashing my daughter, but every kid has their funny quirks. We can only go to Grandma's house down the street. That's it. Nowhere else. That's ok, because she doesn't eat candy anyway & I don't need any more than I already eat.

This year wasn't as eventful as last year when we took Katie to Camp Snoopy & she got 3rd place in the costume contest with her cute witch outfit. She was JoJo from JoJo's Circus on Disney Channel this year. Just went to Grandma's house & came back. And Thanksgiving is a week from today already? I love my little girl.

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