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Wednesday, March 01, 2006


Northwest Airlines

I've known a few people who have worked for Northwest Airlines, which may not be around much longer if the pilots walk out this week. From my perspective, the biggest obstacle facing Northwest has been the near complete disdain the employees have for the airline. How can the pilots trust management during negotiations? I've never known a single person who was happy working there. It certainly didn't help that the mechanics union sold their members up the river. One guy I know was a mechanic. He voted not to strike and he's still out of a job. I never understood why he didn't cross the picket line until I heard the "Don't talk to that guy. He was a scab 25 years ago." story. I thought a union was supposed to support its members, not create a hostile workplace. It sucks. A great guy gets screwed by his union & his employer.

What the pilots & the airline need to realize now is if they don't come to an agreement and the pilots strike, it's over. They all lose their jobs. Top to bottom. Everyone. Both sides are far apart. Both sides need to feed, clothes, & house their families. Both sides need to swallow their pride & meet in the middle, as painful as that will be. Like Larry The Cable Guy would say, "Git 'er done!" A frightening number of people depend on it.

This afternoon they reached a deal. Yes! Common sense prevails!
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